
Health Innovations

“Transform Your Life, One Session at a Time!”

Human Beings are first and foremost, miraculous “Energy Beings!”

At the Large Hadron Collider, the World’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator at CERN, Switzerland, their Nuclear Scientists “split the atom,” proving that all human creation, at its very basic form, is simultaneously “both matter and energy.”

But know that all energy is NOT the equal to Human Energy!

In human society, to boost ourselves forward, possibly by centuries, we have more high-speed Digital Information & Tele-Communications Technology, such as Wi-Fi, 4G & now 5G. But increasingly, it is no more than noise in the cosmic background, being amplified in ways we humans cannot anticipate.

SpiritWare, is the highest, most advanced form of non-invasive,

Human Holistic Health Technology available to:

  1. Free the Natural Design of the Human Mind and Body from all negative energetic blueprints, the root cause of all dis-ease and dis-stress.

  2. Free the Natural Spirit of Human Energy, composed of innocence, and return to positive Human Emotional Energy of love & joy.

  3. To warn about the excesses of emerging technology; as A.I. or Artificial Intelligence, replacing true human life with a shallow replica.

  4. Lastly, to enhance human life with great metaphysical tools to ensure a positive progress in life.

The Mission

Finding health and balance in a complicated world, using no more than your natural energy, for all aspects of your life.

We are here to warn, educate & support the increasing number of people who like the nature of civilization, but are sick of its excesses and corruption—to bring people back in touch with their soul and God. We also will liaise between AI groups and conservative/Eco-conscious groups, which will likely clash sometime in the near future.

How will this be achieved? By empowering Humanity’s Original and Natural Blueprint, gifted to us without corruptive energies were absorbed.


By using heretoforth never before spoken knowledge to break the spell of too much technology, to delight & remind those who still remember child-like joy, so that life before you will open up like you could never imagine!

What’s Wrong with Technology?

Technology has its uses. It opens up new avenues of thought and ways of life. The gift of ‘technology’ or ‘science’ is from God Himself, through His many proponents. However, not even peace through good and proper use of technology like the Internet, can single-handedly solve the issues. Whether it be LTE, 5G, the Internet of Everything to even WiFi, we are baked in radiation. If not careful, we will be cooked in it. Look here.

Concepts to hook up your brain to this very intense radiation from these devices, coming soon!

Why not try a much less invasive & better way to get things done, whether online or offline? Your body & mind will thank you.

~ SpiritWare ~

Holistic Health Technology

“Shift Your Life Into High Gear…Naturally”

Medical Grade Healing


Whether you have a headache, a sprained ankle, or frayed nerves, or even a seemingly unsolvable, degenerative health condition like Parkinson’s, the BodyShift is transformative! It will help to return you to a state of well-being…or to an even better version of you!

During each BodyShift session, which works with one identified problem at a time, you will feel “significantly better overall and feeling transformed.”

As long as your health challenge deals with bone, sinew & muscle, the amazing BodyShift can help.

You can LOOK brand-new again!

“Easing of Anguish”


Your Mind is the source of all creativity! Think about it. Maybe you want to launch a business? Maybe your love life is empty. Whatever your mental challenge, it can be overcome swiftly with your renewal with The MindShift.

During each MindShift session, which works with one identified problem at a time, you will feel “significantly renewed overall and knowing you are transformed.”

Let us strip away the fear, so you are free to resolve those issues you have been avoiding. Don’t let fear hold you back any longer!

You can FEEL brand -new again!

“The Everything”


When Life is so tough that you need a complete makeover, it Is time for you to have it all by choosing to experience The ÆONSHIFT.

This superior-grade “Free Human” Spiritual transformation promises major help and relief from all you happen to be going through, Body Plus Mind, no matter how severe.

Even if you believed in God previously, but everything about your life on Earth became unbearable”,

Have it all! Prepare to be amazed!

If you need more information….

Look at your Akashic Record for Answers!

Look at your Book of Life & learn from your past & future mistakes. Forge your own path, independent of what the world wants for you; create your life, your way!

Consider a Mind-Body Health Class.

In the near future, ÆTHERWARE will offer classes to strengthen not just your mind & your connection to God, but your very soul, so you can protect your family with the help of God & His Angels.

If you need help, but…don’t know? This is for you!

Get your house assessed.

If you fell in love with your house, but all of a sudden, something feels…OFF, then call us,

We can tell you if, perhaps, something unseemly and likely supernatural has moved in and we can give you an extraordinary quote.

Get a small boost.

The founder can also do a very unique thing has not been seen anywhere else as far as can be noticed in society: that is to make supernatural clothing or even jewelry, to give you a boost in Life, if a Shift does not seem appropriate or possible for your family or situation. He can also enchant your own clothing or jewelry, if that is what you would prefer, instead.

What in Heaven’s Name?

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